Saturday, September 27, 2008

Natural remedies acne mask

« ...If however you are very sure that your condition is adult acne, you might want to visit your local drug store and and try some over the counter treatment. There are some many options available so a little research wouldn't hurt you one bit. Talk to friends, search the Internet for information. The truth you have to know is that you would find an intimidating amount of information that you would have to sort through. The final decision would have to be yours....
...Natural oils and juices are effective for treating acne. Apricot juice cuts through cysts.Lemon juice serves as an exfoliate removing dry skin cells which cause acne. Apply lemon juice to infected area and let stand for ten minutes then rinse. Cucumber juice used a topical solution with lettuce , alfafa, and carrot juice is an excellent natural acne remedy....»
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«...But then how to fight cystic acne? If you are worried about the same, it is important to know that cystic acne requires more time to heal as the infection is deep seated and has affected deeper dermal layer. In most of the cases, the treatment for cystic acne is restricted to oral medicines and therefore, it is preferred that all the cases required to be treated by some skin experts. But there are some preventive measurements and remedies that can be helpful against cystic acne. For those people who look for some natural remedies for cystic acne should try some homemade remedies and other products that contain some potential herbs that have natural skin healing properties....»
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tags: how to get rid of acne fast and acne scars, acne breakout during pregancy, proactive solution acne treatment

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